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5 Steps for Handling a DUI Charge

It’s that time of year again! Summer is officially wrapped up and the back-to-school season is among us. With thousands of students flooding college campuses across the area, it’s only necessary to discuss some key aspects of drinking and driving. Parents, this is for you too.

At Kitchin Law Firm, we believe it’s important to prepare students for what may lie ahead during their years in college — that means having difficult conversations. We also want to be a strong advocate and support for parents sending their kids off into the “unknowns” that college experiences bring.

Not everyone drinks. And certainly not everyone drinks and drives, but we wanted to provide a resource for those who may find themselves in an unexpected bind with their first Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge.

First Time DUI

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) statistics, “an average drunk driver has driven drunk over 80 times before [their] first arrest.” Scary, but true. Drinking and driving has become a prominent issue, and rarely does anyone get away with it in the long run.

Let’s talk about the notorious first time DUI that has become far too common among college students. Nobody ever expects they’ll be the one in a position where their chances of getting a DUI charge are presumably high. If you drive yourself to a social gathering where there’s alcohol, and you decide to drink — you could be making a very costly decision. Just having “one drink,” can always lead to more. And, finding yourself behind the wheel of your car with more than a few drinks in your system isn’t something you want to have to explain to a police officer.

While it’s always better to know how to avoid DUI’s before they happen, it’s important to know what to do when the unexpected meets you face-to-face in the form of your first time DUI.

How do you get out of a DUI?

More often than not, this tends to be the first question that DUI defense attorneys are asked. While there is no guaranteed solution for how to get out of a DUI, there are some helpful steps you can take to ensure you’re not fighting this alone.

With the right DUI defense attorney in your corner, you’ll learn how to handle DUI charges most effectively.

How to Handle a DUI Charge

If you find yourself up against a DUI charge in Kansas or DWI in Missouri, knowing what to do next can be very intimidating. Take action to protect your rights and never do it on your own.

Kitchin Law’s 5 Steps for Handling a DUI Charge

1. Know Your Rights – This may sound like an obvious first step, but it’s extremely important when it comes to protecting yourself from information that could be used against you down the road. In the event of getting pulled over for DUI, you have the right to remain silent. It may feel uncomfortable or even disrespectful at first, but this is all part of understanding your rights and protecting yourself. The moment you speak up, the officer immediately has more knowledge that can potentially put you at risk.

2. Record Everything – Another common step is to write everything down that took place at the time you were arrested. Try to give a detailed account of what happened — when it was, where you were, specifics around the breathalyzer test, what you said to the police officer (if anything at all), what was said to you, etc. The more detailed, the better. This will be a useful point of reference for you during your case.

4. Find a Witness – If someone was with you at the time you were charged with DUI, ask them as a witness to give a direct account of the events that happened. Having another voice of reason advocating for you can be helpful in building a stronger foundation for your case.

3. Trust the Process – In a DUI case, losing your license is part of the legal process. This can feel very overwhelming at first. However, if you request an administrative hearing immediately following your arrest, you may be able to avoid the automatic suspension of your license. Hearings look different between Missouri and Kansas, but talk to an attorney and they’ll help direct you to the next best step. It’s not always easy, but try and trust the process.

5. Call Kitchin Law Firm – Getting an experienced DUI defense attorney is the most vital step you can take after being arrested and are faced with your first DUI charge. A good attorney will start by answering any questions or concerns you may have, then immediately start a thorough investigation of the case. With Kitchin Law Firm, you can have confidence that we will advocate for your rights and work to bring the best possible resolve for your case.

If you or someone you know has been charged with DUI in Kansas or DWI in Missouri, contact Kitchin Law Firm today for a free consultation, and learn more about the steps we can take to handle the case most effectively!

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