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Speeding Tickets

Your Kansas City Traffic Lawyer

Before assuming responsibility for a speeding ticket, you should understand what options you have at your defense. Rather than pleading guilty, you can contest your traffic tickets, and take your ticket to trial. Or, you may want to get your ticket amended to a no-point, non-moving violation. If you choose to plead “not guilty,” you won’t have to fight it alone. Contact Kitchin Law firm today and get the representation that you need to build your case!

Contesting a traffic ticket can feel like a burden when trying to do it on your own. Our traffic lawyer can save you time and stress. We’ll speak with a prosecutor, and work to get your traffic ticket amended to a non-moving violation so it doesn’t appear on your driving record.


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Avoid High Insurance Premiums

Traffic tickets can cause your rates to increase by 22-30%. Getting your traffic ticket reduced to a non-moving violation not only keeps points off your record, but can save you the hassle of paying high insurance premiums. Learn more about traffic tickets and insurance premiums.

Kansas is a moving violation state. If you accumulate 3 or more moving violation convictions in a year, the state can suspend your license. Missouri is a point system state. When convicted of a moving traffic violation, 2 to 12 points will be recorded on your driving record. Too many points can lead to a license suspension. Our attorney will fight to protect your driving privileges and keep your record clean.


Keep Your Record Clean

Speeding Ticket Laws and Penalties in Missouri and Kansas

If you get pulled over in Kansas or Missouri and are issued a speeding ticket, it's important to note how these laws differ and what type of fines and costs you may be facing. We've provided a breakdown of the speeding ticket laws and penalties by state.

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Speeding Ticket Laws in Kansas

Basic Speed Limits

Under the basic speed limits laws, Kansas prohibits “driving at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regards to the actual hazards then existing.” (Kan. Stat. Ann. § 8-1557 (2017).) Drivers need to be aware of when to alter their speed and exercise more caution based on varying circumstances like changes in weather and road conditions (i.e. snow covered roads, heavy rain).
Absolute Speed Limits

In Kansas, when a motorist drives over the speed limit, they are in violation of the law: 30 mph in urban districts, 75 mph on designated and separated multilane highways, 55mph on country or township highways, and 65 mph on all other highways. (Kan. Stat. Ann. § 8-155P (2017))
Traffic Ticket Penalties

If you are convicted of speeding in Kansas state court, you will pay the following fines under the uniform fine schedule for traffic violation. Under Kan. Stat. Ann. § 8-2118: 1-10 mph over the limit, $45; 11-20 mph over the limit, $45 plus $6 per mph over 10 mph over the limit; 21-30 mph over the limit, $105 plus $9 per mph over 20 mph over the limit; 31 and more mph over the limit, $195 plus $15 per mph over 30 mph over the limit.
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Speeding Ticket Laws in Missouri

Basic Speed Limits

Under the basic speed limits law in Missouri, drivers are required to drive “at a rate of speed so as not to endanger the property of another or the life or limb of any person.” (Mo. Ann. Stat. 304.012 (2017).) This can involve driving an unsafe speed, including under the speed limit or “driving too fast for conditions” (situations when you are under the speed limit, but it’s still too fast to be safe).
Absolute Speed Limits

Motorists must adhere to the following in the state of Missouri (Mo. Ann. Stat. 304.010 (2017).): 70 mph on rural interstates and freeways, 65 mph on rural expressways, and 60 mph on interstate highways, freeways, or expressways in urbanized areas.
Traffic Ticket Penalties

Violating the laws for basic speed limits is a class B misdemeanor. Those convicted may receive up to 6 months in jail and a maximum fine of $1,000. Violating laws for absolute speed limits is a class C misdemeanor. Those convicted may receive up to 15 days in jail and a maximum fine of $750.

How to Get out of a Speeding Ticket

When facing a speeding ticket in Missouri or Kansas, your first question may be, “how do I get out of it?” While there is no guarantee that your violation will get dismissed or amended, the best step you can take to protect your record is to find a traffic attorney to represent you.

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Upload Your Kansas or Missouri Traffic Ticket

Get your traffic ticket seen by Kansas City’s traffic lawyer. Upload your ticket on the form below and our attorney will help you determine what next steps can be taken to handle your traffic violation.

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Call Kitchin Law Firm

The process for contesting a speeding ticket can vary between Missouri and Kansas. Give Kitchin Law Firm a call to learn how we can help you fight your violation and keep your record clean.

Do I Need A Traffic Lawyer for my Speeding Ticket?

As you consider how to approach handling your speeding ticket, ask yourself two questions: Would it be easier to avoid a trial and pay the fine up front? Can I run the risk of having a moving violation conviction record on my driving record?

If you elect to contest your violation, it will then be taken to a trial, where you’ll have the opportunity to defend yourself. There is no guarantee fighting your traffic ticket will bring the results you’re hoping for. However, a traffic attorney can be a strong advocate for your case, and will have the eyes to identify any potential flaws and work to lessen penalties and fines associated with the violation.

Keep Your Record Clean

Learn how Kitchin Law Firm can fight to keep your record clean.
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Get a Free Quote

If you choose to contest your speeding ticket, finding a traffic lawyer is the best step for getting the process going in your favor. Get a free quote today and find out how Kitchin Law Firm of Leawood, KS can give you the backing you need for your case.