The Top Holidays for DUI Arrests
Everyone looks forward to long holiday weekends and spending time with family and friends. After all, there is nothing more fun than cocktail parties, bonfires, and barbeques. However, these fun holidays may turn from great times to tragic ones with a single, bad decision. Far too often, someone leaves the party or event believing they … Continued
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The Most Common Mistakes Made by Law Enforcement Officers in DUI Arrests
What are the most common mistakes made by law enforcement in DUI arrests? In Kansas, you may face DUI – Driving Under the Influence – charges if you have a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher or driving while a Schedule I substance or other impairing substance in your system. A DUI is something … Continued
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How a DUI Conviction May Affect Your Education
Most people will make a mistake or two while they are young. Some mistakes are more serious than others, but all can have a negative effect on your prospects, especially if they involve an encounter with law enforcement. If the encounters result in a DUI conviction, the negative impact will usually be more significant.
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Aggravating Factors That Can Increase Kansas City DUI Penalties
The state of Kansas has tough DUI laws and corresponding penalties for anyone who is convicted of driving while intoxicated. These penalties may increase significantly if you are convicted of causing bodily harm because of drunk driving. Another factor is if your BAC (blood alcohol content) is over 0.15%. Understanding all these factors can help … Continued
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