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Probable Cause and Reasonable Suspicion: What’s the Difference?

In the United States, there are two primary reasons the police can take action against a person. These are the standards that are referred to as reasonable suspicion and probable cause. (1) Even though these are similar in application and definition, there are some key differences between these two.

Is it Possible to Get a DUI While Riding a Bike?

As summer approaches and “stay home” orders are lifted, more and more people in the metropolitan area are looking forward to getting outdoors and enjoying the nice weather. A popular outdoor activity for children and adults is bike riding.

Juvenile Drivers and DUI/DWI in Missouri vs. Kansas

In both Kansas and Missouri, it’s illegal for adult drivers to operate a motor vehicle if they have a BAC (blood alcohol content) level over 0.08 percent. However, in both states, the standard for minors is much lower. Learn more about juvenile drivers and DUI/DWI laws in the states of Missouri and Kansas below.

Commercial Driver License Holders and DUI/DWI in Kansas vs. Missouri

Searching for commercial driver license DUI/DWI information? Anyone in Missouri or Kansas that has a commercial driver license (CDL) and receives a DUI/DWI charge faces severe consequences if they are convicted. That’s because both states have stricter laws for professional drivers who operate a truck, taxi, or another commercial vehicle. In some cases, the individual … Continued

Kansas City Drug-Related DUI: More than an Alcohol Offense

Are you searching for information related to a Kansas City drug-related DUI? More often than not, if you think about what driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) means — you may be quick to associate this type of offense with alcohol. But, don’t be mistaken. Drug-related DUI/DWI charges are just as … Continued

How Much Will A Traffic Ticket Cost Me

If you are involved in a traffic stop, and subsequently convicted of speeding, or other moving violations, the expense can be much more than the actual cost of the ticket. For it could lead to a loss of employment, the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, and cause your insurance to go up.   … Continued

Rough Start to 2019? How Kitchin Law Firm Can Help With MIPs

Coming off the holiday season doesn’t always bring a “new year, new you” kind of beginning. New Year’s Eve plans and parties are known to not always live up to the hype or deliver on what was expected, especially for minors. If you’ve received an MIP in Kansas or Missouri, it’s important to know what … Continued

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